Why I Love: Doctor Who by @rob_mcknight

Why I Love: Doctor Who by @rob_mcknight

Few TV shows have held the attention of people like Doctor Who has, and entering its 50th anniversary in his many incarnations every fan has their favourite. But why become a fan in the first place? Doctor Who is my great TV love. In fact, my love affair with Doctor...
Dear #MKR, It’s over…

Dear #MKR, It’s over…

I’ve loved you, My Kitchen Rules. Loved you hard. Recapped episodes, furiously previewed and enjoyed every bit of cooking drama and relationship conflict you’ve proffered up. And I just can’t swallow it any more. The straw that broke this...
TV Guide for week ending 06/04/13

TV Guide for week ending 06/04/13

Even though ratings aren’t back, some of the programs are (baby!). But we’ve one more week and then it’s back on like an animated fictional gorilla with a barrel problem. At least ABC1 offer us some new joys this week: New Doctor Who to celebrate his...
#SurvivorCaramoan recap (Thu 28/03/13)

#SurvivorCaramoan recap (Thu 28/03/13)

Survivor: Caramoan – Fans v Favourites – Thu 7:30pm, GO! http://gochannel.com.au/SurvivorCaramoanFansVsFavorites Last week we saw the tribes reshuffled into what Cochrane hilariously termed the ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’ and… well, everyone else. Phillip promised...