TV Guide for week ending 25/05/13

TV Guide for week ending 25/05/13

[Recommendation key: Must Watch; Molk Picks; Everything else worth a look but at your own risk.] MOLK RECOMMENDS Sunday The Simpsons – Sun 6pm, Ch10 Compass: Holy Switch (ep 2 of 3) – Sun 6:30pm, ABC1 Sunday Night – Sun 6:30pm, Ch7 The Block: Sky...
#TheBlock #SkyHigh recap (Thu 16/05/13)

#TheBlock #SkyHigh recap (Thu 16/05/13)

The Block Sky High – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Thu 7pm, Ch9 It’s the run down to the wire as tonight the Blockheads experience the delivery of their first room(s). 3 days remain and they think it’s all sleep-ins and clean...
#TheBlock #SkyHigh recap (Wed 15/05/13)

#TheBlock #SkyHigh recap (Wed 15/05/13)

The Block Sky High – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Thu 7pm, Ch9 A fresh new night with the new promo – and it looks pretty animationally cool. It also assigns colours to our teams – but tonight it’s Keef’s show and...
Why I Love: Arrested Development by @aliceinframes

Why I Love: Arrested Development by @aliceinframes

TV loves can find us in the weirdest of places. Billboards. Promos. Laneways for completely legit, non-sexual reasons. Early last year, something really momentous happened to me. You could say it changed my life. It happened in the Shangri-La Hotel. It was a “24-Hour...
#TheBlock #SkyHigh recap (Tue 14/05/13)

#TheBlock #SkyHigh recap (Tue 14/05/13)

The Block Sky High – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Thu 7pm, Ch9 The chaos of last night rolls over into tonight. Will Madi ever entirely rehydrate? Will Trixie cry again? Will Posh & Becs uncover more family members they can employ?...