by SteveMolk | Jun 27, 2012 | Featured, Molks Media, MolksTVTalkRadio
A very special welcome to Lauren Lee (@laurenlee_) joining Dave & SteveMolk on MolksTVTalk the podcast for the first time. Her level-headed input was required as we ventured into our half-yearly report card on the networks and we’re all quite direct about...
by SteveMolk | May 3, 2012 | Comedy, Featured, Molk Says, Reviews
Randle. n. “A nonsensical poem recited by Irish schoolboys as an apology for farting at a friend.” Andrew Denton was never going to return to our screens for “just some show”. It had to be special, it had to be different. Randling is certainly special and...
by SteveMolk | Apr 26, 2012 | Featured, Molks Media, MolksTVTalkRadio
A note from SteveMolk: If you’ve downloaded this podcast thinking it’ll be a nice, simple, quick listen, you were only 66.67% correct. At one hour thirty two minutes, settle in as it’s a biggie, but not without good reason. I personally blame the...
by SteveMolk | Mar 8, 2012 | Channel MTT, Featured, Molks Media
There was just too much happening this week to find time to squeeze in an interview – so instead there’s high quality analysis of each network and how they’re performing. We also discuss the impact of Weekend Breakfast television and how it is...
by SteveMolk | Mar 5, 2012 | Featured, Network News
The news of Andrew Denton’s return to TV was enough to secure interest in Randling, though the announcement of the 20 team members who will compete has added extra interest (especially considering they’ve started filming the show proper – go to the...