by SteveMolk | Feb 6, 2012 | Channel MTT, Featured, Molk Says, Molks Media
“Over half a century in this business, I’ve got to know a dozen Prime Ministers of Australia. But rarely have I seen a leader under such pressure and so little understood as our first woman PM. So it’s time to find out who Julia Gillard really is and...
by SteveMolk | Feb 5, 2012 | Featured, TV Guide
Can you tell it’s the last week of the summer non-ratings period? No? Neither can the programmers at the networks, to be fair, though the best indication is that the ABC bring back a host of their regular programming in the week before the ratings season starts...
by SteveMolk | Feb 2, 2012 | Featured, Molks Media, MolksTVTalkRadio
For the first time EVER, Josh & SteveMolk were in the same place at the same time to record the podcast. FREAKY, right?! There was so much to cover off with it being the first “actual” podcast for the year and yet all that was crammed into under 10...
by SteveMolk | Jan 30, 2012 | Channel MTT, Featured, Molks Media, Network News
Mike Willesee is a journalistic legend of the same calibre as Laurie Oakes or Peter Harvey. Previous indiscretions aside, he was the face of current affairs when they were actually considered to be both “current” and “affairs”. His return to...