by SteveMolk | Mar 22, 2012 | Featured, Recaps
My Kitchen Rules – Mon-Thu 7:30pm, Ch7 Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition, and nobody expected Leigh & Princess Jen to beat the soldier boys in last night’s elimination. At least everyone went home friends,...
by SteveMolk | Mar 20, 2012 | Featured, Recaps
My Kitchen Rules – Mon-Thu 7:30pm, Ch7 We all know what tonight’s about – let’s just get straight to the bit where the contestants get told Peter & Gary are returning! It’ll be the last thing...
by SteveMolk | Mar 9, 2012 | Featured, Recaps
My Kitchen Rules – Mon-Thu 7:30pm, Ch7 As if we needed reminding Peter & Gary weren’t loved by the people of Australia, the people of Melbourne had to rub it in. It put the bitchiest gays in the MKR village up...
by SteveMolk | Mar 7, 2012 | Featured, Recaps
My Kitchen Rules – Mon-Thu 7:30pm, Ch7 Welcome to Melbourne and the home of the dancing penguins with moves like Jagger. All the contestants think it’s hilarious to make fun of the weather, though Thomas &...
by SteveMolk | Mar 2, 2012 | Featured, Recaps
My Kitchen Rules – Mon-Thu 7:30pm, Ch7 The teams are cooking for the first time in Kitchen HQ, which can mean only one thing – we’re just not sure what that is yet. Competitive cooking will be the winner on...