Every day is Father’s Day (#HouseHusbands)

Every day is Father’s Day (#HouseHusbands)

Four Dads, from seemingly disconnected backgrounds, are thrust together through no other bond than the existence of a Y chromosome. It may be a jungle out there, but it’s sure as hell a jungle in here (the playground before and after school) too. Welcome to...
#HouseHusbands coming Father’s Day

#HouseHusbands coming Father’s Day

It’s scheduled, and previews are starting to make their way out into the open. It’s got an extremely solid cast and it’s a bunch of fun. Here’s hoping Ch9 get the chance to deliver a long form drama that sticks. From the press release: House...
The Sopranos of the Top End (@TheStraitsTV)

The Sopranos of the Top End (@TheStraitsTV)

“Our business is about minimizing risk, Noel. Be tough, when it counts.” Harry Montebello (Brian Cox) is not a man to be trifled with. Everyone’s afraid of Harry. With good reason. The latest drama from ABC1 The Straits delivers a uniquely Australian...