by SteveMolk | Dec 30, 2012 | Featured, Molk Says
Want to know what the people think? Don’t give ’em lists… just ask ’em. At least that’s what I did yesterday (29/12/12) when I asked people to tell me what they thought was the best and worst TV in 2012. What I got was LOTS of opinions,...
by SteveMolk | Aug 8, 2012 | Australian Relationships, Featured, Reality, Reviews
Honestly, not much. Actually, maybe what we really learned are life lessons, and Lara’s role was to help us to recognise them: Always get changed with the blinds closed in your Bondi penthouse apartment. Involving your brother in your reality show is never going...
by SteveMolk | Jul 25, 2012 | Featured, Molks Media, MolksTVTalkRadio
This week there’s so much to cover as Olympic fever grips Foxtel and Channel 9 (and most of London). What are Channel 7 and Channel 10 doing with their schedules for the next two weeks? Is THE SHIRE as bad as every makes out, and how is LARA BINGLE any better?...
by SteveMolk | Jun 13, 2012 | Australian Relationships, Featured, Reality, Reviews
Ever since news Being Lara Bingle had been commissioned, I’ve not been looking forward to it. I bear Ms Bingle no ill will and hope she continues to be a productive and tax-paying member of society however I could not understand why we’d want to see a show...
by SteveMolk | Feb 27, 2012 | Featured, Network News
Boxing the release of two shows together in one press release suggests that either the network thinks that one show isn’t very strong or that they’re not super confident in it. Usually it’s the one they talk the most about that they’re...