The Gruen Planet: Makes Your Head Spin

The Gruen Planet: Makes Your Head Spin

When even the host doesn’t know what the new show is about, you sit patiently waiting to hear any sort of tidbit that gives you insight. We’d heard it’d be about spin (and EVERYTHING is about spin – even the supplied image with Todd in a...


The promo was enough but now having seen the first two episodes of the series, AFP is spectacular. It reveals the depth and extent of the work of the Federal officers we very rarely see yet perform duties integral to our nation’s safety. This fly on the wall...
3 years in the legal clearancing… #AFP

3 years in the legal clearancing… #AFP

Much sizzled, long awaited, and finally we get to see something. And a good something at that. Zapruder’s Other Films (responsible for such brilliance as Enough Rope, Hungry Beast & The Gruen Transfer) have understandably faced a legal minefield in getting...
WILling and able

WILling and able

Wil Anderson is one slick character. As a stand-up comic he commands the stage, harnessing the audience from the first gag and delivering lines with such rapid-fire success that some are lost in the laughs from the ones before. He’s intelligent, engaging, and...