by SteveMolk | Dec 5, 2013 | Featured, Molks Media, MolksTVTalkRadio, Podcasts
Dear friends, what a televisual year 2013 has been. But we made it! Reflecting on the best and worst of TV is a far greater task than you’d think – there was just so much! We cover off: WHO OWNED DRAMA (and some of the delightful things involved in that);...
by SteveMolk | Nov 20, 2013 | Featured, Molk Says, Network News
We all knew something was coming. I thought they’d save the changes to the summer break, but the axe has fallen early… Network Ten today announced Natasha Exelby has departed its breakfast television program Wake Up. Wake Up will continue to be hosted by...
by SteveMolk | Nov 13, 2013 | Featured, Molks Media, MolksTVTalkRadio, Podcasts
Due to unforeseen technical difficulties (Josh and I started talking to each other and ran out of time to record the podcast) you get my Unabomber-esque rantings in glorious monoscope this week, complete with this week’s bitchslap. I ramble about: recent reality...
by SteveMolk | Nov 6, 2013 | Featured, Molks Media, MolksTVTalkRadio, Podcasts
Nerd credentials nailed to the mast with this MolksTVTalk podcast special episode discussing the greatest doctor of them all (back off Clooney) – DOCTOR WHO, with special guest @Cluemark. All things Whovian, particularly in relation to how the lead up to the...
by SteveMolk | Nov 4, 2013 | Featured, Molk Says
They came, they saw, they didn’t suck. Wake Up and Studio 10 slid onto our airwaves this morning and, on the whole, both shows are a pleasant surprise. The Breakfast replacement was as distant to the 2012 nightmare as it could possibly be. The “Beach...