Peter & Gary’s demise on My Kitchen Rules (1st – 1,799,000) was always going to rate well, as was the very last One Day Cricket – Australia v Sri Lanka Third Final Sesson 2 (5th – 1,034,000) for 2012. Channel 9 must be sighing with relief the cricket performed as well as it did without Adelaide getting the evening session. The Project Special: The Kony Phenomenon (11th – 647,000) did OK for Channel 10, and isn’t that the problem? For what is meant to be a campaign aimed at their key demographic, shouldn’t all of their viewers have seen it already? What is shameful, however, is that The Footy Show NRL (21st – 420,000) rated higher than The Straits (24th – 375,000). Sunrise (20th – 423,000) maintaining an audience above 400K, now head and shoulders above The Today Show (26th – 326,000) and Ch10’s Breakfast (Data not available).
Timeslot winners (nationally):
6:00pm: Seven News – Ch7
6:30pm: Today Tonight – Ch7
7:00pm: One Day Cricket – Australia v Sri Lanka Third Final Session 2 – Ch9
7:30pm: My Kitchen Rules – Ch7
8:30pm: One Day Cricket – Australia v Sri Lanka Third Final Session 2 – Ch9
9:30pm: Desperate Housewives – Ch
Channel 7 tied with Channel 9 to win the night (24.3%), Channel 10 (13.9%) & ABC1 (8%).